The responsible treatment of pets is a central aspect of sustainable living. In line with organic principles, sourcing for our animal companions should be based on regional products. By supporting local producers, we not only encourage the regional economy, but also reduce the ecological footprint that can result from transporting pet food.

By choosing organic products for our pets, we guarantee them a healthy, high-quality diet. Organic farming not only preserves the environment, it also minimises the use of pesticides and harmful chemicals that could have a negative effect on our pets‘ health.

Furthermore, the treatment of pets should be based on principles of sustainability. This means that we reconcile their needs with the natural resources of the environment to create a balance. This means deliberately avoiding over-exploitation of resources, carefully choosing the materials used for the animals‘ needs and disposing of waste in an environmentally-friendly manner.

Overall, it’s important to take a holistic perspective on the treatment of pets, taking into account both their physical and emotional needs. By encouraging organic and regional products and sustainable practices, we can ensure that our pets are in good health.